My Body is My Home – Positive Body Image

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Positive body image_Guest Post,

April Huggins on positive body image and respecting the body you have


After having my second child my weight went pretty much back to my ‘normal.’  But after struggling with post partum depression I’ve put on some weight.  Part of the “problem” I guess, is that I LOVE food and I’ve been trying to find any ol’ way to increase my happiness.  Well, food fits the bill.  It’s like an instant gratification, an instant reward, a high five from my stomach.

A lot of times when you hear about weight, it’s about how to lose it.  And do I want to lose the pounds I’ve accumulated?  Sure!  BUT I refuse to become obsessed.  I realize that some of my habits have become unhealthy and I’m trying to choose better.  But, in the mean time, this body is my home.  It’s the body that cares for my family.  The body that nourished and birthed two babies.  The body that I’ve come to love and respect., positive body image

I don’t want my kids to look at people and judge them by appearance or pounds.  I want them to get to know the contents of their character.  But how can I expect that from them if they hear me saying unkind things about my body?  I’m banning the word ‘fat’ from my home.  It’s not a useful word.

I never want my kids to feel like their weight determines their worth.  Because, IT DOESN’T!  I’m still just as valuable now as I was when I was first married and 120 pounds.  And I think the healthy way to lose weight is to love yourself and do it for your health., positive body image

I’ve grown to love myself and I’ve never been happier (or heavier)  than I am right now.  It’s a learning process trying to find balance.  I’m happy for those people that have positive body image AND work out 7 days a week.  They should be proud of their hard work.  But that doesn’t minimize anything about my life or yours.  I think we can be happy for each other and support each other through thick and thin. (literally)  We need to stop comparing ourselves with others., positive body image

I don’t “need” to lose weight to feel better about myself.  That part of my life is behind me.  I need to love myself and make healthy choices, so this body that has given me so much can continue to give.  And I need to model positive body image to my children because the world is not always so kind.

Are you struggling with negative thoughts about your body?  Think about these suggestions:

  • My body does not define who I am.
  • My body does not define what I am.
  • My body deserves my respect.
  • My body is my home.
  • My body is wonderfully made.
  • My body is my own.
  • I want my body to be healthy not just a certain size., positive body image

You guys, let’s be kind to ourselves! Let’s pursue healthiness and happiness.  Let’s empower and encourage ourselves and our friends.  Let’s spread love.  Lets love our bodies even if we want to change them., positive body image

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